Medical services
Cataract evaluation and cataract surgery
Dr. Itharat specializes in small incision cataract surgery. He incorporates the latest cataract surgery advancements, including laser assisted (femtosecond laser) technology and advanced lens implant technology to decrease your need for eyeglasses and contact lens. Each treatment is customized to your needs and eye health, and Dr. Itharat will offer his recommendations during your pre-operative consultation.
Comprehensive and Routine Eye Exams
Our office provides comprehensive eye examinations to screen for eye conditions and diseases. In many cases, these conditions can be diagnosed and treated before any vision loss occurs. We also perform eye exams for eyeglasses. However, we no longer provide contact lens exams.
Diabetic Eye Exams
An annual eye examination is recommended for all diabetic patients. Diabetes, over time, can damage the blood vessels in the back of the eye, causing vision loss. Because we believe communication is crucial, we will send a copy of your diabetic eye report to your primary care provider on the same day of your exam.
Dry Eyes Screening and Treatment
Dry eyes is very common with aging and can manifest in different ways. We offer a wide variety of treatment from prescription eye drops, lifestyle changes, and punctal plug placement.
Emergency Exams
We receive numerous referrals from urgent care centers and emergency rooms for emergency-related eye injuries or concerns. Rest assured, whether you are having severe pain, redness, or vision loss, we will try best to see you the same day.
Eyelid Lesion Evaluation and Removal
We can evaluate and remove most lesions around your eyes and eyelids. In some cases, removal may not be necessary, and careful observation may be the best course of treatment. We can also arrange referrals to subspecialists if necessary.
Floaters Evaluation
If you experience a sudden onset of floaters, flashing lights, or veil in your vision, you should be seen within 24-48 hours to be evaluated for a retinal tear or detachment. We can offer a prompt diagnosis and, if we cannot laser the tear or detachment, refer you immediately to excellent retinal surgeons in the Lowcountry.
Glaucoma Screening and Treatment
Glaucoma is an insidious cause of painless loss of vision. In the United States, 50% of people do not realize they have glaucoma. Fortunately, over 90% of vision loss from glaucoma can be treated. We offer a wide range of treatment from medical intervention with eye drops, laser treatment to lower eye pressures, and surgical options with the iStent placement.
Ocular Allergy Exams and Treatment
Living in South Carolina can expose you to many allergens. We can discuss the best course of action for minimizing and treating your allergic eye condition.
Ocular Foreign Body Removal
We are well versed in removing foreign bodies from the eye. In the great majority of cases, the foreign body is located on the cornea or front covering of the eye. Removal can be done in the office, providing immediate pain relief.
Retinal Tears or Detachment Exams
If you experience a sudden onset of floaters, flashing lights, or veil in your vision, you should be seen within 24-48 hours to be evaluated for a retinal tear or detachment. We can offer a prompt diagnosis and, if we cannot laser the tear or detachment, refer you immediately to excellent retinal surgeons in the Lowcountry.
Plaquenil Eye Screening Exams
If you are taking plaquenil or hydroxychloroquine, you should have an annual screening examination to ensure there is no ocular medication toxicity. Our office is equipped with the technology needed to diagnose and screen for early damage.
Shingles Evaluation and Treatment
Shingles can potentially cause blindness. If you have shingles around your forehead or eyes, you should have a full ophthalmic evaluation.
Stye evaluation
Styes or chalazions are blocked oil glands. They can become uncomfortably large and can sometimes take months to resolve. We offer stye drainage in the office. In most cases, the drainage is performed on a secondary visit to see if conservative treatment will work prior to drainage.
Vision Loss Evaluation and Treatment
Most people rate sight as their most precious sense. It can be quite upsetting when you lose vision. We can diagnose and treat many causes of vision loss.
Other Services
If you have a question about additional services provided, please call our office at 843-259-2002.
Surgical Services
Advanced Technology Cataract Surgery
Dr. Itharat performs the latest advances in cataract surgery, including the use of the Catalys (femtosecond) laser system and ORA. He also offers the highest quality lens implants to decrease or minimize your need for eyeglasses. These premium lens include the Toric lens, multifocal lens, trifocal lens, and extended depth of focus lens. We provide a detailed and informative cataract brochure to our patients. Dr. Itharat will personally review the best options to you, given your lifestyle and expected visual outcomes.
Cataract Surgery - Traditional
Dr. Itharat also specializes in small incision traditional cataract surgery. This is a good option to maximize your vision, although you may still be dependent on glasses or contact lens after the surgery.
Eyelid Lesion Removal
We can easily remove most eyelid lesions in the office. Due to the nature of these procedures and insurance coverage, these clinic “surgeries” are often scheduled on a second visit. Sometimes, we may refer concerning lesions to an oculoplastics specialist.
Glaucoma Treatment
We have in-office laser treatment, SLT, or selective laser trabeculoplasty. This is a low-risk laser treatment for glaucoma patients to decrease their eye pressures. Surgical options include iStent placement at the time of cataract surgery.
Ocular Foreign Body Removal
We are well versed in removing foreign bodies from the eyes. In the great majority of cases, the foreign body is located on the cornea or front covering of the eye. Removal can be done in the office, relieving your irritation and pain.
Posterior Capsular Opacity / Secondary Cataract Removal
Posterior capsular opacities or secondary cataracts are very common after undergoing cataract surgery. Over time, you can develop a scar behind the lens implant. If you have this scar or secondary cataract, you may experience similar symptoms to your initial cataracts, such as poor vision and glare. Our office is the only one (to our knowledge) in the Charleston area to own a YAG laser to remove these opacities. This saves you time and money. Due to insurance and schedule concerns, we often schedule these lasers on your second office visit.
Punctal Plug Insertion
Punctal plugs are small silicone or collagen plugs placed into your tear duct. Plugs help to maintain your natural tears and alleviate dry eye symptoms.
Pterygium Removal
A pterygium is a yellow or white growth, usually on the horizontal aspect of the eye, due to sunlight damage. If your pterygium causes chronic redness, or irritation, or changes in your vision, it can be removed.
Ocular Allergy Exams and Treatment
Living in South Carolina can expose you to many allergens. We can discuss the best course of action for minimizing and treating your allergic eye condition.
Ocular Foreign Body Removal
We are well versed in removing foreign bodies from the eye. In the great majority of cases, the foreign body is located on the cornea or front covering of the eye. Removal can be done in the office, providing immediate pain relief.
Other Services
If you have a question about additional services provided, please call our office at 843-259-2002.